Kingdom Life: What Is Onword?
Nurturing a personal relationship with the creator of the universe is the only way any of us can discover and live out our ultimate purpose. I’m talking about a totally dependent relationship where he is our absolute obsession and where we live on “every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).
Through the Holy Spirit, we gain an understanding of Scripture and discernment of circumstances. I have a notion that the closer we walk with him in our daily lives, the closer we will come to understanding what we need to understand on our journey. And I think God wants to show us more than what we need. I think he wants to share amazing secrets, mysteries, and insights of the kingdom with all his children (Ephesians 3:3-5).
I was raised in the church and have gone through many stages in my faith — especially in my 20s. Now, well into my 30s, I’ve come to believe that the kingdom of God is simply all that matters. I’m convinced that if we relentlessly seek his kingdom first, our whole lives will flow from that pursuit as a byproduct, including our relationships, families, careers, and everything else (Matthew 6:33).
As much as I believe in this theory, I find it as hard as the next person to live it out each day. Keeping eyes fixed on the Lord while progressing through the journey has proven to be a great challenge for our peers and heroes of faith alike. I’ll be discussing this age-old Christian struggle as well.
What I’m After
I’m after the reward of knowing Jesus as much as possible and handing him every single aspect of my life. I’m after learning to trust in him as my center in a world spinning with trouble — a cornerstone in every circumstance.
I have concluded that he is everything — that everything good in this world and life comes from him. He is the well. He is the fountain of life. He is the source. And I hope you will join me in praying that, at all costs, he becomes and remains our well, the fountain from which we drink, and the source to which we run throughout our time here on earth.
It’s been said that getting old is not for wimps. I think the same philosophy can be used for living a life for the kingdom; it’s truly a journey, and it’s not for wimps. But I also believe in a kind of satisfaction and fulfillment found only in close communion with Jesus. I’m after a joy that is more complete than any pleasure this world can offer (John 15:11). Even when life seems mundane or confusing, and when the kingdom way seems to be less satisfying than the world’s way, let us aim to pursue him with reckless abandon and to learn in our hearts the revelation David learned: that “[his] ways overflow with plenty” (Psalm 65:11).
Navigating this journey together, I pray we will find deep joy and fulfillment as we draw closer to him, abiding ever in his presence as we move onward.